Popular Games for Females

The 5 video games for women.

Generally, women have had a secondary role in the video game industry. The great protagonists of the console titles have not gone down in history precisely because of their personality, but because of their exaggerated anatomy in all aspects. Given this sexist vision (probably inherited from the Manga culture), women have decided not to give in, and reclaim our leisure space in the form of bits. Initiatives like Silicon Sisters, a company that creates games specifically for women, are just the beginning of many others that will come.

From the outset, here we leave you 5 video games that you will surely enjoy.

The 5 best video games for women.

  1. Final Fantasy The Final Fantasy saga has been characterized by very well designed games, with an excellent graphic and sound atmosphere, which make this RPG unique. But if something has in common all the titles of the collection is the role that women have in history, which is usually presented as coral. You will spend months playing any of the games in the Final Fantasy collection, discovering the evolution of both the protagonists and the villains. Surely you enjoy it.
  2. Tomb Raider Until 2012 Tomb Raider was a clearly macho videogame, where the most notable of its protagonist (in addition to infinite jumps) was his anatomy. However, since Square Enix (the same company in charge of Final Fantasy) took over the franchise, the character has taken a radical turn. Now Lara Croft is a mere survivor, wrapped in a borderline situation. A complex character but far from the role proposed in previous installments. A game that emphasizes that “girls are warriors.”
  3. Professor Layton Laptops also count, and among the extensive range of games we find (some specifically geared towards the female sector) we decided to stick with the adventures of Professor Layton in any of his six games published to date. A series of logic puzzles that you will have to solve if you want to advance screen and screen to solve the proposed mystery. Mind you, patience: some puzzles can be desperate!
  4. Dance Central Well, not everything will be sitting in front of the screen. If what you want is to move the skeleton a little, we recommend Dance Central (it is already the third installment in XBox One). A game with a very large number of songs ranging from Daft Punk to Justin Bieber or the Village People. Learn the dance steps, and become the king of the hall first, and after the track thanks to Kinect.
  5. Cyberbike And the last of the last … why not connect your exercise bike to television and explore landscapes while saving the world? This proposal was brought about a year ago by the Cyberbike video game, which includes an exercise bike to connect to your game console. To overcome the challenges you will have to accelerate or keep up, making daily sports a lot of fun. Recommended for those cold and rainy days when you don’t feel like wearing your shoes.

Epilogue: reorienting the industry towards women. We cannot finish this post without mentioning the “The Sims” phenomenon, which marked a before and after in the incorporation of women into the world of video games. However, this game opened a whole reef, and many companies began to wonder: what if the woman is also a potential user of our product?

This does not mean that many men did not enjoy in the Sims with their aliens, friends and enemies on the other side of the screen, providing them with work, forming a family, or making their lives impossible (yes, the Sims had that cruel point that we all arrived to experiment). But the real impact was experienced with the special acceptance of women, highlighting a social section that has been more effective in attracting girls than boys. Subsequently, Wii picked up the glove, with bets that go beyond sitting in front of a screen and moving your fingers. The interaction with your friends and the need to be part of the story moving your body caught our attention. And before this movement, PlayStation and Microsoft attacked with two initiatives, resulting in Kinect of XBox the great winner. Today, mobile phones, tablets, and even social networks, are taking center stage in video consoles, something that has further favored the approach of women to this type of leisure. A partial but very important reorientation of the industry, which represents a further step towards the end of inequalities in technology issues